
You are Beautiful – Changing the filter among Christian women

In case you didn’t know… YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

I know today sounds like a very heavy topic, but one that I think does not get talked about in the church enough.

Let me explain…

This idea was sparked by a post in a running group I am in.

The poster basically said “if you post a picture of yourself in a sports bra you are just looking for validation and are wrong.”

why she is wrong…

Why is she wrong?

Because she is assuming so much about a person based on one picture. She is filtering that picture through her own issues, insecurities and beliefs and forming an opinion based on them.

While this was of course not in a “Christian” group, how often is that also the case from the church seats? That to love God you have to fit in this small mold that fits within these stringent parameters and to go outside those lines means you are doing it “wrong.”

If we aren’t suppose to put God in a box, why do we try to put his children in one?

If we aren't to put God in a box, why do we still try to do it to his children?

Getting out of the Box

We already live in a world that tells us that we will never be perfect unless we fit into a box. In fact, the weight loss and diet industry makes $72 BILLION (yes.. BILLION with a B!) a year to tell us what we should look like.

We have been duped into believing that size equals happiness and perfection is attainable. We dismiss instagram filters and obvious photoshops as the minority when most statistics say that 68% of adults admit to photoshopping their photos.

What does this lead to?

4% of the world’s population of women believing they are beautiful.

4. percent.

How insane is that? That statistic goes for the church as well. That means in your women’s ministry of 200 women, only 8 of them can honestly look at themselves in the mirror and say they are beautiful.

How sad do you think God is to know that?

The very word of GOD says that they are already perfect.

Song of Solomon 4:7

How do we get out of this box?

Change Our Filter

The only way to remove ourselves and others from this prison of self-loathing is to change how we filter the world, filtering what we allow in and what we allow out.

As Christians, our filter should be the word of God. And if God says that SHE is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), that SHE is more precious than rubies (Proverbs 3:15), and SHE is created in the very image of God (Genesis 1:27), then who are we to say different? What gives us the right to disparage the very beauty God placed on this earth?

God says “You Are Beautiful” therefore you are.

Let’s stop questioning motivations of others and be proud of their confidence.

Be confident in Christ

Earn the Right

Too often we live under the lie that as Christians we have the “right” to speak into anyone’s life that we deem is unfit. It’s the trap of our social media society to believe that everyone wants or needs our opinion, but that is not biblical.

Matthew 18:15 says:

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”

Read that again… it says “brother or sister.” That implies that there is an established relationship. Too often people use that in the blanket of “brothers and sisters in Christ” and uses this scripture as open season to give opinions.

Also, it says “just between the two of you.” Social Media has given too many the sudo-power to act as God’s right hand in passing judgement, but if it is done in public, it is not biblical.

We have to earn the right to speak into someone's life

You are beautiful – Be the Change

Let’s start today.

Let’s change the world as we know it.

We can not allow the world to win over the hearts and souls of the women of God by telling them they are not good enough. And we definitely SHOULD not be the instrument by which the Devil does so. By extending grace and changing what we allow to take root in our hearts and we allow out of our mouths and fingertips on keyboards is the only way this change will happen.

And change in the SPIRITUAL will ALWAYS have a change in the physical.

A few statistics on how making this spiritual shift can shift the physical:

  • Women with a strong social network have a 22% longer life expectancy than their counterparts (regardless of the degree of family support)
  • They have a lower risk of Breast Cancer.
  • Are more likely to participate and receive the mental/physical benefits of physical activity, with 63% of women saying they only participate in such things with friends.

You are a powerful woman of change.

We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect God who wants LOVE to be the foundational support of every thing we build during our time on this earth.

This is how we change the world and remind the women of the world that they are beautiful.



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